Third Meeting of the CCCACD Think Tank
December 19, 2021
The third meeting of the CCCACD think tank was held on Sunday 5th December 2021 with the presence of Messrs. Zeinali, Shojakhani, Khaleghi Rad, Khani, Masrur, Abid, and Abdollahpour. in order to exchange views about the draft strategic plan of the Cultural Coordination Center of ACD.
The first speaker of the meeting was Dr. Shojakhani who initially stated that “Given that it is decided to develop a 5-year strategic plan for the Cultural Coordination Center, a draft has been prepared in which the proposed vision, mission, goals, strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats, as well as the principles and values of the center have been written down. Now, keeping in view the purpose of this plan, we request the honorable members of the think tank to comment on each of these issues so that we can finalize and implement the strategic plan as soon as possible”. Thereafter, Dr. Shojakhani elaborated on the above-mentioned points one by one and asked the participating members of the think tank to express their views.
The next speaker of the meeting was Dr. Zeiali, the Acting Chairman of the CCC, who stated that the very foundation of ACD is dialogue-based and the main goal of this organization is to promote regional convergence among the member states and endeavors towards the realization of this goal is one of the intrinsic tasks of this organization. Therefore, within the purview of the 16 objectives envisaged for the CCC we need to write down a constitution and a five-year plan for this center.
Dr. Masrur was the next speaker of the meeting who expressed his view under the following four points:
Considering that the Asia Cooperation Dialogue has been established with the aim of creating convergence and unity among the nations of the member states, therefore, one of the main objectives should be “a common Asian identity” in the area of culture.
A suitable timing should be selected for holding joint cultural exhibitions simultaneously in all the member states and with the participation of all these 34 countries. For this purpose, a workable timetable needs to be prepared in coordination with the representatives of the member states.
It is suggested to prepare a geographical-cultural atlas of the member countries in collaboration with the official representatives of the member states.
It is also suggested to identify historical influential personalities of the member states who shared certain cultural commonalities.
Dr. Adel Khani was the next speaker of the meeting and expressed his views by stating that “Using the experiences of other countries in creating coordination in the area of culture may be useful for us. For example, one of the important moves by China has been that, in addition to pursuing the fundamental tasks of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Silk Road countries, it encourages active and useful participation of the members in certain cultural programs and this can be studied as a good model. Thus, as an example, organizing an ACD Cultural Festival could be one of the activities, or an Asian Film Festival could be launched with the participation of at least one or two films from each country.
The next speaker was Mr. Abdollahpour who made the following points:
Inviting the Secretary-General of ACD to pay a visit to Iran on the occasion of the Dah-e Fajr Film Festival and making the necessary coordination with the officials of the festival for receiving him.
Holding meetings and briefing sessions with the council of deputies and managers of the ICRO with the aim of introducing this center.
Organizing briefing sessions in face-to-face meetings with ambassadors of member countries.
Simultaneously with the preparation of the 5-year strategic plan of the center, we must carry on certain executive tasks and activities, which can include:
Publication of a Periodical on the cultural activities of the ACD member states
Meeting with the Indian Ambassador with the objective of encouraging India to form an Asian Cinematic Union
Commemorating the renowned cultural personalities of the member countries and their activities
Mr. Khaleghi Rad was the last member of the think tank to express his views and stated that “My suggestion is to begin with introducing the goals and plans of the Cultural Coordination Center to the embassies of the ACD member countries as well as the cultural missions of the Islamic Republic of Iran abroad and request them to express their opinions and suggestions about the possible cultural activities. Furthermore, we need to prepare a brochure on CCCACD in English and Persian languages and make it available to them.