Examining the Expansion of Opportunities and Capacities of Cultural Cooperation among Asian Countries
June 30, 2023
In the meeting of the President of the Cultural Coordination Center of ACD with Majid Takht-Ravanchi, the former senior diplomat of Iran, while enumerating the 16 fields of activities approved by the ACD member countries, Dr. Jafari Malek provided detailed explanations regarding the activities of the Center and emphasized the cultural, artistic, and tourism capacities of the Islamic Republic of Iran in cooperating with ACD countries. In this meeting, Takht-Ravanchi emphasized the importance of the activities of the ACD and, considering the cultural richness and civilizational background of Iran emphasized the key role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in this forum. Takht-Ravanchi also expressed that the vast capabilities of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the field of cinema, cultural heritage, tourism, and scientific and academic affairs can have a significant impact on the activities of the Center in Asia. In this meeting, views were also exchanged on the possible opportunities for the development of the cultural cooperation of ACD members and the role of the Islamic Republic of Iran.